Friday, February 4, 2011


I hit "post" too soon--wasn't finished-- sorry

Buy 10- save $5.00--
Zantac 5.50- 5.00 cpn= .50
Wisker lickens cat treats .49- 1.00/2= free
krusteaz cookie mix 1.49- 1.00 cpn= .49
i can't believe it's not butter- 1.29- .60 cpn= .29
balance bars .50- 1.00/3= 3/.50

Oranges 3.99
Single Horizon milks 1.00- 1.00 cpn= free
atheno greek yogurt 1.00- 1.00 cpn= free
32 oz dannon yogurt 1.88- .50 cpn= .88

I spent 37.16 & saved $85.02 (71%)

1 comment:

  1. You do realize that since you are an administrator on this blog, that you can edit a post once it is made? -james
